The Riverfront Trail

by Paula Woodworth

“Anyone who knows me knows that I love the Riverfront Trail. I have been walking it in all seasons since it opened. I am the unofficial “trail warden” and keep my eye out for any downed trees or vandalism and fill the map box.


In the past year I have starting striking up conversations on the trail with people who don’t look like the local walkers. By doing this, I have met some very interesting visitors to Houlton and had some fun exchanges.


I started writing about these encounters on my Facebook page in a post called “Tales from the Trail” and often include a photo of the people I meet. I feel a bit like an ambassador for the town as I try to share the good things about Houlton with the people I meet and answer any questions they have. It’s been a great experience for me.


If you haven’t walked the trail, please give it a try. “

Read more stories written by Houlton residents!